Thursday 23 May 2013

Communication, problem solving and sport

Alex, a student of sports leadership at Doncaster College for the Deaf, leads our group in setting up a volleyball pitch and then playing the game. This was a great inclusive test of everyone's communication skills.

Deaf Awareness

Our friend Marc and his students from Doncaster College for the Deaf help us to learn about the truth, and the myths, about deafness. We also take our first steps in sign language.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Stopping off for a picnic lunch

This is where we went for lunch after a busy and emotional visit to Kelford and Hilltop school

Intercultural evenings

A picnic at Conisborough Castle provided an opportunity to reflect on the morning's visit. The day ended with another fantastic intercultural entertainment from our new friends. Too many highlights to mention any one.

Meeting Nick Whittaker

After a morning visit to Kelford and Hilltop special schools, we heard inspiring words from the Headteacher, Nick Whittaker, about his vision of why an inclusive society really matters and how we can begin to achieve this.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Pre Project Thoughts

So today is the start of Inclusion In Action. A busy week for Momentum, in South Yorkshire. We are based at Doncaster College For The deaf and will be working with Kelford & Hilltop Special Educational Needs Schools as well.

Our guests are coming from:

UK. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Turkey and the Ukraine.

And guess what? The sun is shining!

How am I feeling? Like the start of every project I am nervous about arrives, people getting here, programme and getting set up in time, but we have a good team.

Follow our progress via or

Thursday 16 May 2013

The Momentum Team

Momentum are really proud to be part of this amazing project, we are supporting it from the background but here is some information about who our team is...

Contributing To This Blog

What we would like you to do

Here at Momentum we would like the week to be fun and interactive. Therefore we would like to invite each and everyone of the participants to contribute to the Janus Project blog. 

If you wish to be a blog author on behalf of your country please contact

This blog will be running through the whole week and we hope that participants will continue to add and create posts throughout the week.

Below are some step by step instructions on how to create a post on Blogger. 
The address for the blog in start telling people.


  1. Those interested in blogging will receive an email from the Momentum team from Blogger.
  2. Open this email. It will have a box which states accept invitation. Once you have accepted this response using your email address you will be able to add your own posts to the Inclusion In Action blog.
  3. Once you have competed signing in click on ‘Posts’, you will get this view. Which shows you all the previous posts made in this Momentum blog. 
  4. In the top left corner of the screen there is a orange box which say ‘New Post’. Click on this box to begin adding your own thoughts to the blog.
  5. There is a box at the top of the screen where you can add a title for you blog and the text goes underneath, the layout is like that of a word document.
  6. Once your happy with your post you can click ‘Publish’ or ‘Save’ to continue working on it later.
  7. There is also a Blogger app available through the App store (for Apple) and Google Play (for Android). Through this you can sign in using your email address and create posts throughout the course.

There will be lots of help available if anyone is having difficultly creating a post. Feel free to drop through an email if you would like to discuss this before the course at

What to expect in the UK

Hello everyone, my name is Amy and I am the Creative Assistant here at Momentum. 
This is  the beginning of the Janus Project blog, during the project we will be updating this blog with all sorts of information.

I would just like to start off by giving you a little information about the British weather. This time of year it is summer time but that can mean anything in the UK, always come prepared with a lightweight weather proof. The week of the project temperatures will be around 22 - 30˚c, but could be a little higher or lower. 

When packing it is important to remember travel adaptors for any electrical items such as mobile phones. The project is set on a residential site in Doncaster, South Yorkshire which has lots of natural surroundings. Outdoor clothing and suitable footwear is highly recommended, as we may complete activities using the outdoor facilities.   

The following outlines typical costs here in Britain. 

Exchange rate from Euro to Pound approx.
1€ = £0.81

Big Mac meal - £4
Loaf of Bread - £1.20
Pint of Beer - £2 - 3.50+

Contact Details

Whilst your here in Britain it may be important for you to contact the staff here from Momentum.
The primary contact you should use is;

Andrew Hadley - 07795554202

However if it is not possible to get through to Andrew please contact any of the following;

Paul Oxborough - 07990578684
Amy Stables - 07738083853